Friday, September 17, 2010


Sliding glass door was stuck. Was it the Sting Ray? No, it was the Lego Darth Vader!

silly Mama!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Parenthood.....The Great Mystery

I just purchased a book on Amazon that was recommended by a psychologist. I expressed frustration regarding some of my child's shortcomings, I mean, "developmental phases". He wrote me back suggesting knowledge could take the edge off my frustration and included the link to the book. I'm expecting ALL the answers.

Is it wrong to expect an adolescent and child mind to act like an adult? Well of course, but indeed I do expect it every darn day. I have a complete laps in memory of what it was like to be a kid and therefore rarely take their point of view. With so many activities and things to do in an afternoon and evening it's too hard to empathize. I need results! Homework, needs to get done! Dinner, needs to get done! Getting ready for and schlepping to practice, needs to get done! Cleanup, bedtime and overall good homey feelings, needs to get done! There's no time for kids brains in our life. But it's all for them? They want to play sports, they have to do homework, I'm not doing all the dishes!

Parenting! I'd like to publish a book, "Parenting, WTF?" a short story.

Perhaps the secret is embracing the chaos. Everyone who's children have left the nest remind me that I'll miss it all and I'm sure they're right. In the meantime, I guess we'll just continue winging it, perhaps with a little more information.

BTW here's the recommended book: "Why do they act that way? A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for you and your teen" by David Allen Walsh.