Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Next Day

The light in the sky gently increases as if the Holiness itself moves the dimmer. The white clouds drift over the hill with it's varying hues illuminated by the new day. It's almost 7:00 a.m.

Yesterday was the day after Thanksgiving. Faced with squabbling siblings and The Day After Thanksgiving Bomb that went off in my house, I cajoled the kids into joining in a major clean up effort. When all surfaces were picked-up, vacuumed or shined Mama and offspring went off to spend the Disneyland passes burning a hole in my underwear drawer since gifted last Christmas.

The song of the birds this morning is a stark contrast to the unnatural screams that flew out of my son yesterday as he ran across the mid-way like he'd never seen a theme park before. "This is the best day of my life!" His exuberance was barely containable. My daughter thanked me no less than ten times for "Making her day," as we shuttled between California Adventure Land and Disneyland, paying no attention to the boundaries, holding freedom in our One Day Hopper tickets. Fiona prompted me several times to run from one gate to the other despite my aching legs, still angry and protesting the 5k from the day before.

It was theirs. All of it and they had the wonder lust- the whole of the Disney experience and they were claiming every inch of it. Bliss. "Kiddie" rides I thought would be out for sure were not off limits. Fiona is nostalgic, even at the park, so she visited some of her old favorites while Ian tolerated them and chanted "Roller Coaster, Roller Coaster". His need for thrills is beginning to concern me. But I'm probably overreacting. Jack says it's normal. "The fact that he hacked his old bike to bits on Thanksgiving day with an ax?" "Yes" he responds.

Fiona faced fears and went on Roller Coasters yesterday for the first time ever! Once her head was buried behind her Dare Devil brother she screamed her way out of his shoulder blades and enjoyed herself on The Matterhorn and Space Mountain piercing the blackness with shrill calls of pure happiness. There have been several firsts for her these past two weeks. The results are affection coming back to me after many lean years. She looked back for me while they ran off after dark. In line she allowed me to play with her hair. She put her head on my shoulder and made faces with me. As if they had schemed in the car, Ian on the other hand for the first time, wanted nothing to do with me. Several rides he wanted me to wait by the gate and ride only with his sister. I felt the sting of my baby pushing me away. As I sat on the bench, mildly dejected, the reality was punctuated as the woman next to me received an endless string of kisses from her toddler as he held her face in her hands. My legs hurt nothing like my heart.

The leaves are falling in a stiff breeze now. It's 8:10. The Southern California winter is here as the neighbors tree is fully back lit into a bright yellow. A tear is in my eye and a smile is on my face so early in the day, and I am indeed, grateful to by Mama.

Monday, November 23, 2009

First play off game

Yesterday's play off game was the farthest Fiona and a team has gone. The opposing team was predicted to tromp our Jaguars.

The ref. called a penalty kick on us within 10 mins of the game and our rivals scored the first goal.

In the second quarter Fiona, finally realized the power and advantage she holds after scoring 5 points in the last three consecutive games. She ran and lead the pack kicking the ball while straddling the line between speed and ball-control. Dropping all competitors, she scored a goal and tied the game. The parents went crazy and the 11 year old girls on the field felt they had a chance. The shocked opposition marked Fiona as a target and the game continued. Double teaming our own #10, Fiona experienced her first round of reality sports. She was elbowed and elbowed back. She was tripped and hit the ground but got up again. Half time came and went-tie score.

With great coaching strategy the Silver Bullets coach placed two and three players on Fiona. Our players raised to the occasion and held the line on defense. Third quarter, fourth quarter-tie score.

In the last 8 minutes of the game Fiona, hit the ground again, got up slower this time. Parents held their collective breath. Taking a moment she rose with her resolve in tact. She went for the goal again, making a hard kick to a tangled array of Silver Bullets covering the goal for survival. Three kicks, 6 players within 2 feet of the line, the ball bounces off girls cleats
and gently rolls between the legs of the goal keeper. Fiona scores again!

With five minutes left our coach moves 80% of our team to our goal defending our line. Defense holds, but not without too many close calls. The Silver Bullets are something to beat. The whistle blows, the under dog wins. Fiona now scores all goals in the last three games, winning each game with her team mates incredible support. They advance to the next level coming from a starting position of 21st place.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Being Mama

Being Mama on a good day means that your jewelry matches while you blunge the overflowing toilet.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Victory for Momto

Some months ago my son started calling Jack, his father, Popto. Since my children were born my husband wanted to be known as Papa. He didn't want to be associated with the name he called his well meaning, not so well doing, father.....which was Dad. From Papa, on a calm summer evening came, "Pop, Popto-Bismol, Popta-licious, Poptorama, and The Popemheimer." Popto stuck. As a matter of fact Popto has taken strong roots in our home and has since branched out to Momto, Eee-to, (for Ian, the originator) and Fito or Fiona-to (for Fiona).

Tonight, with the kids in the other room, Momto takes a victory moment. Today while no one was looking, Momto roasted a red pepper and a yellow pepper. Not out of the ordinary, but then I pureed it with garlic, a tomato, and a half a cup of walnuts and stuck it in the meat loaf! While they eat their dinner and laugh about farts and who fell down on the playground today, I will smile knowing that antioxidants galore are going straight into their mouths and they can't do a thing about it! They are willing participants, involuntary slaves to their own good nutrition. I will relish the fact that underneath their baked potato I am hiding smashed yam. I am resolute that they are going to be an inch taller tomorrow.

It's the little victories that matter in life. The "I gotcha!" when they think they've got it all under control. The little victories over life and nutrition and children.

Score one for Momto!
It's been a good day.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Secret to Climbing a Tree

"If you want to climb a tree all you have to do is put on a shoe that's too big for you"

This sound advice just floated through my kitchen window from the mouth of our friend Jessie to my son.

Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Some things are so obvious!

Life as Mama

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Things that are really annoying

1. Kids that scream the statement, "YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!" in a very shrill annoying voice.
2. People from the 'Help Desk' that start every sentence with the word, "Um".
3. Fruit that goes bad in a day.
4. A leak in the kitchen sink that moves.
5. People that just don't get your kid.
6. People that just don't get you.
7. Taxes
8. Brand new socks that right after you buy them, one goes missing. The other sock, new, beautiful, soft taunts me.
9. When you work your ass off and prepare a nice meal and your kids look at it and say, "I don't like it" before they have even tried it.
10. Stupid people.
11. Bullshit homework assignments.
12. Anything that doesn't go my way.

Monday, November 2, 2009

First time ever

I am actually sitting here, with an ice pack, in my son's crack.

It's never boring, that's for sure.

Life as Mama