Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Victory for Momto

Some months ago my son started calling Jack, his father, Popto. Since my children were born my husband wanted to be known as Papa. He didn't want to be associated with the name he called his well meaning, not so well doing, father.....which was Dad. From Papa, on a calm summer evening came, "Pop, Popto-Bismol, Popta-licious, Poptorama, and The Popemheimer." Popto stuck. As a matter of fact Popto has taken strong roots in our home and has since branched out to Momto, Eee-to, (for Ian, the originator) and Fito or Fiona-to (for Fiona).

Tonight, with the kids in the other room, Momto takes a victory moment. Today while no one was looking, Momto roasted a red pepper and a yellow pepper. Not out of the ordinary, but then I pureed it with garlic, a tomato, and a half a cup of walnuts and stuck it in the meat loaf! While they eat their dinner and laugh about farts and who fell down on the playground today, I will smile knowing that antioxidants galore are going straight into their mouths and they can't do a thing about it! They are willing participants, involuntary slaves to their own good nutrition. I will relish the fact that underneath their baked potato I am hiding smashed yam. I am resolute that they are going to be an inch taller tomorrow.

It's the little victories that matter in life. The "I gotcha!" when they think they've got it all under control. The little victories over life and nutrition and children.

Score one for Momto!
It's been a good day.

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