Monday, November 23, 2009

First play off game

Yesterday's play off game was the farthest Fiona and a team has gone. The opposing team was predicted to tromp our Jaguars.

The ref. called a penalty kick on us within 10 mins of the game and our rivals scored the first goal.

In the second quarter Fiona, finally realized the power and advantage she holds after scoring 5 points in the last three consecutive games. She ran and lead the pack kicking the ball while straddling the line between speed and ball-control. Dropping all competitors, she scored a goal and tied the game. The parents went crazy and the 11 year old girls on the field felt they had a chance. The shocked opposition marked Fiona as a target and the game continued. Double teaming our own #10, Fiona experienced her first round of reality sports. She was elbowed and elbowed back. She was tripped and hit the ground but got up again. Half time came and went-tie score.

With great coaching strategy the Silver Bullets coach placed two and three players on Fiona. Our players raised to the occasion and held the line on defense. Third quarter, fourth quarter-tie score.

In the last 8 minutes of the game Fiona, hit the ground again, got up slower this time. Parents held their collective breath. Taking a moment she rose with her resolve in tact. She went for the goal again, making a hard kick to a tangled array of Silver Bullets covering the goal for survival. Three kicks, 6 players within 2 feet of the line, the ball bounces off girls cleats
and gently rolls between the legs of the goal keeper. Fiona scores again!

With five minutes left our coach moves 80% of our team to our goal defending our line. Defense holds, but not without too many close calls. The Silver Bullets are something to beat. The whistle blows, the under dog wins. Fiona now scores all goals in the last three games, winning each game with her team mates incredible support. They advance to the next level coming from a starting position of 21st place.

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