Friday, July 23, 2010

I packed her cleats

I did something different today. I got out the ole' suitcase, one that has done some traveling with me. That bag has seen; the shores of Corsica, the city of Dublin, the side walks of Rome, the three major airports of Paris on several occasions, the Tulip fields of the Holland countryside, the Berlin wall 5 days after the first blow of the sledge hammer, Check Point Charley, Brittany & Normandy's 50th anniversary, countless family reunions across the U.S., National Monument's, Radio City Music Hall at Christmas, back stage of Saturday Night Live, numerous National Parks and few of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World. One thing it had never seen until today was my daughter's cleats. I was struck when I laid them in the dark bottom left corner. Foreign, out of place, down right bizarre.

She leaves in the morning, not just a Soccer camp, but a Young Women's Leadership Camp. The Key Note speaker is the women who produced Toy Story 3. Former Key Note Speakers include a Federal Judge of the Court of Appeals, too many Gold Metal Winners to account for, Billie Jean King, Robyn Roberts of Good Morning America and Mia Hamm. My suitcase has never seen this much focus on female leadership in 6 days; especially at this young of an age, this fertile of a ground.

What will it look like through her eyes? Will she recognize the amazing opportunity? Will she know that she is an elite group of young girls coming from around the country and out of the country to study Leadership on the Field and In The Community? Like most things I suspect that it will not appear so profound, but it will gently soak in like a coffee stain hopefully making a permanent positive mark on who she is.

I'm so happy for the opportunities she will be exposed to; the language of personal power, the skills training, the role models, the instruction on how to lead herself, then her team, then her community. CHOOSE TO MATTER! What a wonderful opportunity wrapped in those laces, sitting in the darkness of my ole' suitcase, well traveled.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara,
    Wow! What a super exciting time for you and Fiona. I can't help but be excited for her myself. New experiences abound for her and why not? She has worked hard at perfecting her natural ability in her choice of sport. She will be among the greatest women who went above and beyond to lead in other areas of their life. What a Super Summer for both daughter and mother!
